About the company

About the company

This business was launched in 2017.

I am very excited about this as I like helping people. At this moment I am working on my website and from January 2018, my new blog will be active.
My journey that led me to this business:
I have been always passionate about crystals since my teenage years.
I always wore jewellery, which had crystals set in them and interest how they can help and which zodiac sign they are for. In past 3 years, my passion intensified as I was on my personal journey has taken complete U-turn.
Crystals have helped me to recover from my trauma and led me from dark personal life to better and completely new life. I have also come across Reiki and became interested in spiritual world in general. Spiritual world has many realms, which are beautiful. Some may say they are real whilst other may think it is just a fantasy. Either way, it was my intuition and my pendulum with Oxford Dictionary that helped me to choose the name for my business.
I do hope my clients with experience these realms whilst I provide healing sessions for them. Some will be interested in healing but this is also suitable for those who just want some natural stress-reliever.