The beginning…

I have recently done LIVE Crystal Reiki healing on my daughter.

I have been active on social media, yet not talking or promoting my Crystal Reiki healing much. There
has been numerous reasons as to why not.

One of the reasons was space in my house. True, I have done few sessions in my TV room, which went
perfectly fine. But personally, it didn’t feel professional enough for a business. It felt like as if it were just a hobby than business. I don’t consider my healing hobby. I have made too many sacrifices and adjustments to see that way. Besides, hobby can be done whenever you feel like it whereas business is your source of income. I am fortunate enough to be passionate about it, which enables me to motivate myself enough to work on it.

The other issue was the use of my spiritual gifts as a source of my living means. I have been observant enough to notice various discussions on this topic. To some it seems controversial but I don’t. After all, we do get paid for our skills, talents, experiences and our time spend at regular job so why not to utilize our spiritual gifts? I also have been watching other spiritual entrepreneurs’ practices, teachings in order to discern what would be the best for my business and what way works to promote. It’s a learning curve.

In the meantime, I also have been learning to recognize, accept and enhancing my spiritual skills.
That part has been alright to deal with but the real problem became when I had to start talking about them as I hit a wall of prejudice and judgement from unawake people. It took me a while to find my voice and resilience towards people’s reaction and I am still getting used to it. This led me to promoting my Reiki-infused crystal jewellery more rather than talking about energy healing with crystals.

I am at the stage where I am not 100% confident with talking about everything spiritual as I am still on my journey of ascension. Doing the LIVE video was my starting point and intend to talk more about energy healing as I am discovering it for myself and getting to know it in bigger depth. I am using short IG stories for talking, which are still rare, to improve my talking on camera.

I am still in celebratory mood over my newly painted work room and I hope to share more with you.

Here just some key reminders when you decide to come to energy healing of any type:

1. Be open-minded with minimum expectation
2. Be willing to meditate/or being healed (depending for you coming for)
3. Please do not compare healers as each has unique skill. If one didn’t sit well with you, the person was not meant for you. But if you are drawn to energy healing, do not give up because you will find the right type of healer/practitioner.

(From my personal experience: I like having massages and rather very firm massages. I had to figure out which ones are the best for me because one masseuses’ firm isn’t necessarily as some other)

4. Be aware of those who slag other healers as this is simply unprofessional and their claims not necessarily true. I have seen it happened on social media where everything goes viral super fast and may damage someone’s reputation for no good reason. Always check anything you hear. It’s that simple. It’s really undo harm that has been done to them.

Love and Light*

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